Biblical Literature

A better hope
A frequently asked question
A misapplied story
A purpose driven life
A sign for unbelievers
Abominations desolate
Agenda 21: how to reverse it
Aijeleth Shahar: what the title means
An unholy religion
Another History
Are the Amalekites still around today?
Ask Seek Knock
Baptism of the Holy Spirit: a guide for newcomers
Because they hate
Best avoided
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Born to be lost?
Brother in Christ?
Chi è Gesù di Nazareth?
Child of another world
Christian Mason: Is there such a thing?
Dealing with difficulties in Scripture
Dear Christians
Defining the New Apostolic Reformation
Discover the power of the Cross
Do you exceed Michael?
Exposing the wine of Babylon
Faith without works is dead
Fake without Fire
Fleecing the flock?
Food for thought
For the Synthesis
For ye are dead
From the fig tree learn its lesson
God disciplines children, not the illegitimate
God's Rest
Have you neglected your vineyard?
How can anyone miss it?
How to be filled with the Holy Spirit
How to recognize false prophets
Identity of the Promised Seed
In your light we see light
Is a third temple really necessary?
Jesus in the Old Testament
Judged on what basis?
Just like in the days of Noah
Kisses of an enemy
Know the signs of the times
Like father like son
Love from a biblical perspective
More important than the Constitution
Most Palestinians are really Jews
Most ignorance is vincible ignorance
Mourning and weeping for the Pierced One
New Age: a brief introduction
Nothing new
On its way out
Origins of Mormonism
Paradise Restored
Passion and Glory
People of the prince to come
Prayer, thanks, praise, worship: how's yours?
Science IN the Bible
Shattered Hope
Shining stars or irrational animals?
Silencing Dissent
So you wouldn't have to be
Straight from the horse's mouth
Test the spirits
The Arab-Israeli wars
The Judge of all the Earth will do right
The Knights of Malta
The Millennium Kingdom
The New Birth
The Second Coming, the Rapture: what you need to know
The big gay agenda
The distinguishing characteristic
The emperor's new clothes
The image of the beast
The innumerable benefits of praise
The last will be first
The new apostolic reformation
The promised land: promised to who?
The sign
The source of all Scripture
The ten horns
The unbiblical doctrines of Roman Catholicism
The voice of strangers
Their doom
Theos Epiphanes
To those who are spiritual
To whom such elementary truths are not obvious
Truth Matters: every single atom
What Esau will miss
What was wrong with Cain's offering?
When God goes to war
When it can be deliberate
Who is Jesus of Nazareth?
Who would believe such a thing?
Who would call her a Philistine?
Who would drink from the sewer?
Who would question His Word?
Whose shrine is it?
Why exercise self-restraint?
Why prefer assumptions?
Why some reject the Bible
Why we can trust the Bible
Why we need Apostles and Prophets
Why will they not repent?
Witchcraft in unlikely places
Wonder no longer
Written just for you
Yesterday and today and forever
You see it at the end